Leila Schielke

Leila Schielke was born and raised in Kirkland, WA, before moving to Scottsdale, AZ.  She is pursuing a degree in Accounting at Arizona State University.  In the winter you will find her skiing – from Whistler to Jackson Hole, and most recently, Park City. It makes sense that her Dream Vacation is Switzerland at Christmas time, and skiing through the winter.  You may also find her watching the original Star Wars Trilogy, basking in the sunshine like a lizard, or searching for that 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle.  The one thing you can count on is that you will not find her vacuuming!

Fun facts about her:
Favorite word: Bubbles
Favorite Movie Character: Boba Fett
Desired Superpower: Breathing under water
Mark of a well-lived life:  A home on many acres of land.

“Do.  Or do not.  There is no try.”
-Master Yoda